MatomoCamp 2021

Vos préférences linguistiques ont été sauvées. Nous pensons que nous avons une bonne traduction française, mais si vous rencontrez des problèmes ou des erreurs, veuillez nous contacter !

Welcome to MatomoCamp, the first event dedicated to Matomo Analytics. It is a free (like you don't have to pay) online event (so you can access it thanks to an internet connection) about Matomo Analytics (a Free software).
This event will take place from November the 4th to November the 5th 2021 from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. CET.
If you plan to make a talk during this event, please click on Go to CfP.
If you are not a speaker and land on this page by mistake, just click on View conference schedule (which may not show much yet).