Ronan Chardonneau
Trainer about Matomo since 2011.
Trainer about Matomo Analytics since 2010. Co-organizer of MatomoCamp. Author of the first French book about Matomo Analytics.

Introduction to the event by the MatomoCamp team.
In 2022, we got this crazy project with Frédéric Forster to issue a big book about web analytics by taking Matomo as an example. In this presentation we will explain what's in it and what are the big next steps in this project.
Cette conférence s'adresse à toutes les personnes qui souhaitent découvrir comment fonctionne le système de traduction de Matomo, c'est à dire comment contribuer mais également comment simplement agir sur votre instance.
You are not a developer and you wish to learn how to develop a plugin for Matomo Analytics? In this conference I will explain everything you need to know to get your first plugin out.
After all talks are over, we will close the event with a summary of the past two days