MatomoCamp 2024 World Tour Edition

Extend the SharePoint analytics thanks to Matomo Tag Manager
11-14, 20:00–20:45 (UTC), Room 1 -

If you have a SharePoint Online or SharePoint 2019 On-Premises in your organization and you need more analytics information about the usage of your Intranet, project site, or whatever, how Matomo can help you?

A SharePoint component was developed to be able to extend the SharePoint analytics information.
Matomo Analytics alone can do a part of the job but what did you say if you can with "no limit" add as many as you need KPI in SharePoint thanks to Matomo Tag Manager?
Beyond the SharePoint component, what is the knowledge you need to be able to catch specific events/triggers and record them?
This is what we will see together during this session 💪🏻

As a SharePoint developer in the soul, I love helping companies to provide the best solutions as well as providing and respecting the best practices.
With more than 13 years of experience in Microsoft systems On-Premises and Online, I am sharing my knowledge with a passion with my colleagues and clients to take advantage of their Microsoft environment with security and governance that meet the best practices and the clients' needs.