MatomoCamp 2024 World Tour Edition

How to win against AdBlockers. Get back to 100% event coverage.
11-14, 12:00–12:45 (UTC), Room 1 -

The sad truth: Even matomos ethical analytics gets blocked by AdBlockers. Right now we are loosing the game. This talk shows you how to trick AdBlockers and get back to 100% event coverage. (okay, at least we try)

Years ago (back then we still called it piwik) I developed a simple script, that allows to circumvent AdBlockers...which sadly no longer fully works. AdBlockers got smarter since then, but we also improved our capabilities.

In this talk I will walk you through the different ways how AdBlockers detect analytics scripts, and how we step-by-step can wiggle our way around that.

This talk is aimed at a technical audience (beginners welcome).

I build software since I am 11 years old. Always being pro-privacy I stumbled upon matomo/piwik a lot of years ago and used if for my websites. As one AdBlocker after another blocked matomo, I build a tiny script to circumvent that. The beauty of OpenSource brought me here, a friendly matomo employee reached out and asked me to talk about my script and how we can make matomo AdBlock proof...and here we are :D

In my day-job I am a CTO at where we educate about and develop AI software for SMBs all around europe. (Core market: germany)

Looking forward to have you in my talk!

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