- How does risk for a DPO differ from classical risk perceptions?
Is a system administrator and co-founder of Cloud68.co, as well as a member of Open Labs Hackerspace, located in Tirana, Albania. His work mainly consists in supporting people to host their own open-source software solutions.
- How to host your own Matomo instance
I work as a lecturer at the University of Applied Science Anhalt
- Matomo and the masses: Do people care about GDPR-compliance?
Agency for Digital Italy - Head of Web Development and Communities Service - Digital Transformation Area
- Matomo for the public sector
Full stack developer at Agency for Digital Italy, Lead Developer of Web Analytics Italia (powered by Matomo).
- Matomo for the public sector
Recently gratuated as computer scientist, I'm working as developer and business analyst at Open Source Politics. My daily job consists of creating valuable visualisations to help city councils improve citizen participation.
- Matomo feat. Metabase : how to improve your Matomo visualisations
Frédéric has worked for more than ten years as a web analytics consultant for various companies and organizations in international contexts.
He is now an independent consultant and specializes in conversion optimization using the tools provided by Matomo Analytics.
- Matomo & Conversion Rate Optimization
Joachim Nickel ist seit 1995 im Internet aktiv und nutzt Matomo (aka Piwik) seit sicherlich über 10 Jahren in diversen Projekten. Joachim Nickel engagiert sich u.a. für das Open Source CMS Contao und ist Präsident der Contao Association, dem offiziellen Förderverein für Contao.
- Background-Tracking - mehr Daten durch Tracking direkt aus der Anwendung
Jorge Powers has 10 years of working with Analytics, SEO, Development and DevOps. Everything from the smallest item in the html structure to managing 100:eds of pods in a K8s cluster.
- How to manage a Matomo with millions of pageviews per month?
Associate Professor and Health Psychologist
University of Hertfordshire
- Using Matomo to collect data on intervention engagement within a research trial: the Wrapped project
I'm an astronomy student and FOSS fan from Austria. I am part of the Matomo team since 2017.
- Matomo Analytics Q&A
- Event introduction by the MatomoCamp organizers
- MatomoCamp closing
- Event introduction by the MatomoCamp organizers
Nathan is the founder and director of Guardian Project, an award-winning, open-source, mobile security collaborative with millions of users and beneficiaries worldwide. Their most well known app is Orbot, which brings the Tor anonymity and circumvention network to Android devices, and has been installed more than 20 million times.
- Using Cleaninsights for Privacy-Preserving Analytics based on Matomo
- Implementing Advanced Privacy-Preserving Analytics on Mobile, Desktop and Servers
Peter is part of the Matomo community team since the early age of Matomo. Physically located in Germany, he is supporting companies in terms of all operations around Matomo since 2008.
LinkedIn: https://lnkd.in/byP9_hf
Business contact: Sonora - Digital Analytics Consulting - https://sonora.de
- Matomo Analytics Q&A
DevOps @ Regione Emilia-Romagna
Matomo Italian Community Forum Manager
- Matomo for the public sector
Matomo Support Team Member & Matomo Analytics Expert
- Matomo Tips and Tricks
Matomo Analytics evangelist since 2010.
I am training and doing consulting for all types of companies and institutions about Matomo Analytics.
Measurement plan, finding the right profile for your Matomo project.
I own different websites: https://ronan.chardonneau.fr / https://ronan.chardonneau.world / https://ronan.chardonneau.digital
- Comment configurer Matomo Analytics dans le respect du RGPD?
- How I succeeded in building my own business based on Matomo?
- Using Matomo to collect data on intervention engagement within a research trial: the Wrapped project
- Matomo Analytics Q&A
- Event introduction by the MatomoCamp organizers
Web and digital analytics developer and trainer. I develop plugins and themes for Matomo (available on marketplace). Feel free to discover my free training on my website.
- How to configure Matomo for a SAAS and get relevant data for your business
Silva has been active in the Free Software movement since 2015. She is a Digital Rights advocate, with a special interest in the topics of privacy and infosec. Silva is one of the co-founders of Cloud68.co, aiming to make the use of open source digital infrastructure easy and convenient.
- How to stay compliant with privacy regulations with Matomo Analytics
Stefan is located in Germany and is part of the Matomo team since 2010. He is currently working almost full time on developing Matomo. In addition he coordinates the Matomo translations and maintains the Device Detector project.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stefan-giehl
- Matomo Analytics Q&A
Stefan Koning from MIST Analytics (https://mistanalytics.nl/) is part of the official Matomo community team for more than five years now. He is a digital analytics & conversion rate optimization expert and works a lot with Matomo Analytics for multiple clients. Projects that Stefan does related to Matomo range from improving the scalability of Matomo, to measure the correct KPIs by setting up technical measurements, to analyze the data in order to optimize the customer experience.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stefankoning/
- Matomo Analytics Q&A
SEO und Web-Analyst
- Schreib mich gerne an:
- Meine Matomo Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdO_pR0KVkRMrbdR_HYTdSAmatomo
- Matomo Helper: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/matomo-helper/fdfaeedddmmbalhbhghlnnlhddmffbai
- Matomo kompakt
- Matomo Analytics Q&A
SEO und Webanalyse-Spezialist
Ich bin seit 2001 im Bereich Suchmaschinenoptimierung tätig. Dabei berate ich Kunden aus verschiedenen Branchen und Bereichen. Zudem war ich bereits auf zahlreichen Konferenzen als Referent tätig und habe Artikel für die Fachpresse verfasst. Seit 2009 beschäftige ich mich intensiv mit der Webanalyse mit Matomo. Diese Kombination aus datengetriebenen Entscheidungen, technischen und marketingtechnischen Aspekten sehe ich als meine persönliche Stärke an.
- Matomo richtig für SEO nutzen
I am a business developer at Digitalist Sweden.
I have worked with tracking Digital analytics since 2010 and I have been a contributor to open source since 2007
- How to break Matomo and also some inputs on how to fix it
- Introduction to the "Matomo User Feedback" plugin
- Tracking Single Page Applications (SPAs) with Matomo
- Matomo TagManager – Hands on with Basic Tracking & Consent Management
- Privacy and PII in relation to the web
Devops Engineer at Empreinte Digitale I'm in charge of deploying and maintaining most of the Cloud SaaS infrastructure.
- Passer de 100 à 1M de visites. Qu'elles sont les incidences côté infra ?
Viktor Vecsei is a privacy activist, researcher and writer. He is the Head of Communications at IVPN and the founder of The Privacy Issue, an editorial platform.
- Are we there yet? The present and future of surveillance societies.