MatomoCamp 2023

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Advanced dashboarding with Matomo: an integrated approach using Google BigQuery and Looker Studio for Business Intelligence
09.11, 14:00–14:45 (Europe/Paris), Livestream Room 1
Sprache: English

In this webinar, we address the challenges of Matomo's API limitations for advanced analytics.

We'll demonstrate automated data extraction from Matomo to a data warehouse and show how to create a sophisticated dashboard using a BI tool.

For organizations leveraging Matomo Analytics for data-driven insights, the reporting API limitations can pose significant challenges for advanced use cases.

In this webinar, we will guide you through:

  • Automated ETL processes for transferring data from Matomo Cloud to a Google BigQuery data warehouse
  • Data transformation and normalization techniques within the data warehouse to facilitate robust reporting
  • The construction of sophisticated dashboards in Looker Studio, utilizing the transformed Matomo data
    Industry best practices and potential pitfalls in integrating Matomo with BI tools.

The session will culminate in a live demonstration featuring a multi-site, multi-property Matomo dashboard, providing actionable insights for data-driven decision-making.

Nicolas Chollet has over 10 years of entrepreneurship and consulting experience. He is a recognized expert in Digital marketing and Data management

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